AMPLIFY - Enhancing the capacity of practitioners for building resilient and inclusive communities
The Hand in Hand Foundation has been working since 1993 for a tolerant society in which the individuals with disabilities can live with dignity. Our primary task is to promote the cause of the people with disability, especially the ones who live with mental disability and the most disadvantaged backgrounds as well as the ones living with multiple disabilities. We have contact with the disabled people via their environment, directly and indirectly, in all phases of their lives involving family, experts and welfare organizations or by addressing the society as a whole.
AMPLIFY - Enhancing the capacity of practitioners for building resilient and inclusive communities
The EDIGIT project aims to link STEM education, digital literacy and social inclusion. As digitalisation reshapes society, it is essential to ensure that technology is accessible to all. However, people with disabilities (PwD) often face barriers due to a lack of inclusivity in technology design.
Access, Respect, Connect - Enhancing Social Participation of persons with disabilities for a diverse community (ARC) The aim of the ‘ARC’ project is to promote the participation and inclusion of persons with disabilities (PwD) in the local community life by strengthening their active citizenship and exploring disability-specific community building.
This project aims to inform and guide support services on quality assessment and service improvement based on the practical implementation of the Quality of Life Support Model (QoLSM), which aligns with the rights and principles established in the UNCRPD.
European Alliance to Upscale DESIGN project’s results and strengthen the employability of people with changed working ability at the open labour market. The aim of the project is to strengthen Europe’s identity by promoting inclusive labor market policies, defending principles of equalization, and placement of people with a changed working ability (PCWA) at the open labor market.
The ACCESS to Leisure project aims to develop and test out a complex training package focused on the theme of inclusive leisure time. The aim of the package is to enable people with learning disabilities to spend their free time engaging in activities they like, and to motivate others in their environment to do the same.
RESPONSE – Responsive services to address gender-based violence against women with disabilities – aims at bringing together the different relevant actors to increase stakeholders’ knowledge and capacity about rights-based and gender-responsive services in addressing gender-based violence against women with disabilities.
The I_AM project aims to support inclusive education of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) through an innovative person-centred, inter-disciplinary and art-based approach, implemented in Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, and Poland.
Yard4All is a European project that brings together actors from the educational and the NGO sectors with the common belief that inclusive education for sustainability is the foundation of a much-needed hope for a better tomorrow.