Project Title:
AMPLIFY - Enhancing the capacity of practitioners for building resilient and inclusive communities
Project No.: 2024-1-RO01-KA210-ADU-000256114
Implementation period: 01.10.2024 - 31.12.2025 (15 months)
Funder: Erasmus+ Programme, Action Type KA210-ADU - Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Total Budget: €60,000
- CONCORDIA Academia (Applicant), Romania
- Roots Research Center, Greece
- Hand in Hand Foundation (Kezenfogva Osszefogas A Fogyatekosokert Alapitvany), Hungary
Description of the Project
AMPLIFY aims to equip practitioners from Romania, Greece, and Hungary with the skills and knowledge to create inclusive and resilient communities. The project consists of several key activities: a three-day bootcamp in Romania on social inclusion, diversity, trauma, and self-care practices; a social innovation hackathon in Hungary, where participants develop concrete project ideas on diversity and inclusion; and ten online coaching sessions to support practitioners in applying their learnings. Additionally, dissemination workshops will be held in each partner country to engage local stakeholders and promote collaboration.
The project directly targets practitioners working with vulnerable groups, such as youth at risk of exclusion, refugees, ethnic minorities, young people with disabilities, care leavers, and institutionalized children. Indirect beneficiaries include employees of the partner organizations and stakeholders participating in dissemination events. In the long term, improved services and inclusive practices will benefit up to 1,000 vulnerable children and their families.
AMPLIFY project will enhance the competencies of practitioners, empowering them to integrate inclusion and diversity strategies into their work. Organizations will be better equipped to address challenges by training staff in resilience-building and self-care practices. The project will foster long-term transnational collaboration among organizations from Romania, Greece, and Hungary, strengthening their capacity to support vulnerable communities.
As a follow-up, participating professionals will act as focal points within their organizations, advocating for self-care practices and inclusive policies. Furthermore, they will strengthen their ability to design and implement projects aligned with EU values, ensuring sustainable and meaningful impact in their communities.
AMPLIFY - Enhancing the capacity of practitioners for building resilient and inclusive communities - Project No. 2024-1-RO01-KA210-ADU-000256114 - is implemented by CONCORDIA Academia (Romania), Hand in Hand (Hungary), and Roots Research Center (Greece) and is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the ANPCDEFP. Neither the European Union nor the ANPCDEFP can be held responsible for them.