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FORCAVI, is a project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme which is the main funding mechanism Europe in the field of education and training, comprised of four programs, including Leonardo da Vinci Programme, which is part of this project that meets the needs of teaching and learning of the participants and provide or facilitate such teaching and learning to the appropriate entities.
FORCAVI, has been promoted by four countries, Spain, Italy, Hungary and Latvia in order to tailor the response to changing needs and expectations of users of social services. He advocates this training course, which aims to raise awareness and train professionals to coat in the centre of their actions is the person, the first thing is to ask what the person wants to do, how to configure your intervention program, which objectives wants to take, etc.. These individual realities are grouped into  interventions that respect the expectations of the people, which means that, later, the services put the person at the centre of their realities.
This understanding of the role of professionals is fairly new, and is precisely what FORCAVI attempts to verify in order to generalize an educational proposal based on "quality of life".
The implementation of the project was held between 11.2012-11.2014. Within this our professionals took part on the original training to be adapted held by AFANIAS, the Spanish host organization of the project. After this training we completed the first adapted training thematics. The course was tested through 2 pilot training between 02.2014.-03.2014. On these courses 30 professionals took part from the invited 79 social institutions. The type of institutions was the following:
  • State Institution of people with learning disability
  • Day Centre of people with learning disability
  • Complex Institution of people with learning disability (NGO)
  • special elementary school
  • Development centre for children with multiple disability
  • Child welfare centre
  • Day Centre and rehabilitation centre of people with learning disability
The feedbacks of the participants show the success of the course:
„ It was nice to regain the principles that was lost in everyday work”
„Freedom is a hard work”
„The expression of quality of life became concrete for me”
„ I would like to see the people with disability as PEOPLE”
Based on the conclusions of the training we completed the renewed adapted thematics. The final version of the course was completed together with our project partners. 
The problems, questions raised through realization we discussed on 5 international project meetings. 
To sustain the results of the project we would like to receipt final adapted training course e among the social courses our foundation held regular. For this purpose we are planning the accreditation of the course at the National Institution of Family and Social Politics Affairs. Within our service development activity for social organisation we offer the course as an effective tool for changing attitudes towards service users. We involve the trainers with disability into other sensitivity programs and regular meet with them to keep up the competences they received through the course.


AFANIAS (Spain).  Website:
Kézenfogva Alapítvány (Hungary). Website:
SIVA (Latvia). Website:
ARTHA srl (Italy). Website:

The FORCAVI training course is available here: