Inkluzív művészet

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Good practices:

European project Inclusion in Society by the Arts (ISA) – Field Aperture:

Inclusion in Society by the Arts

European project Inclusion in Society by the Arts (ISA) – Field Aperture

Program ERASMUS+ of European Union

1st September 2017 to 31 August 2020

The Consortium is composed of 6 partners that come from 5 countries.

France: LADAPT (coordinator)
Ireland: Cope Foundation.
Belgium: European Association for Service Provides of Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)
Belgium : Horizon 2000 asbl
Bulgaria : National Alliance for Social Responsibility (NASO)
Hungary : Hand in Hand Foundation (Kézenfogva Összefogás a Fogyatékosokért Alapítvány)

Description and objectives of the ISA project
The ISA project aims at promoting non discrimination and inclusion of persons with disabilities by developing innovative initiatives through arts and culture (theatre, cinema, advertising...)
The project wish to change perception and vision of disability in society, by raising- awaireness of the general public, particularly in educational and training institutions. How ? By valueing arts as lever for social inclusion and by integrating new teaching approaches into the curriculum of primary, secondary and higher education. The project targets future professionals in the cultural and media fields.
To give a consistent impact on society, it is highly crucial to involve persons non-disabled and disabled persons, in various training places, and at different periods of life. Children and teenagers that are aware of disability issues will promote this inclusive approach when they become adults.
3 target groups are concerned :
Teachers and students in traing and educational institutions that work in the artistic scope (School of communication, Advertisement, theatre, cinema, Academy of Arts, Faculty of arts…)
Teachers and pupils of the primary and secondary school
Persons with disabilities
The project respects and spotlights the principles edicted in the UNCRPD. The approach of the project is to act with and for persons with disabilities, respecting the notion of empowerment.
Step 1 – Developing an inclusive approach, respecting the UNCRPD, in training structures for adults in cultural and artistic field.
Output 1 : European Guide of best practices that identifies how structures respect articles 8 and 30 of the UNCRPD, when they provide culture-related trainings.
Ouput 2 : Toolbox « inclusion by arts » with practical and technical recommendations for teachers of training structures above-mentioned. This toolbox will be part of the curriculum.
Step 2 – Enrichment of educational project in primary and secondary schools
Output 3 : European Guide « Art as inclusive teaching method » dedicated to teachers. It aims at valueing the use of culture in teaching contents. Arts appear to be an important learning material to carry a message in society, and they can modify behaviours and visions of pupils. This guide will provide ideas for playful activities where children and teenagres can address the question of disability and work on inclusion.
Step 3 – Measure of impact of the adaptation of teaching and learning materials
Output 4 : Creation of an evaluation method to assess the effects of the different actions carried out with teachers and students (Output 2 and 3). Surveys will allow students and teachers to give feedback on their understanding of disability issues.
Step 4 – Raising awareness for general public about disability
Output 5 : Creation of a methodology to disseminate the event Field Aperture in Europe. Field Aperture is not a meeting dedicated to experts or specialists, but a place where children and adults can exchange freely about their experience and their perception of disability.
The Delivrables will be shared during multiplier events, and they will be accessible online.
External partners
The ISA project will circulate among companies, policy-makers, institutions, medias, lobbies, associations…


Samah Ben Abdallah

Louis Gustin

Good practices:

European project Inclusion in Society by the Arts (ISA) – Field Aperture: