Yard4All - Using school’s yard for ALL child’s wellbeing and development
- a step closer to a more inclusive education -
Yard4All is a European project that brings together actors from the educational and the NGO sectors with the common belief that inclusive education for sustainability is the foundation of a much-needed hope for a better tomorrow.
The partnership identified the following needs:
1. To develop a shared understanding of inclusive education.
2. To build innovative learning processes that promote curiosity, the ability to question the environment, place hypotheses, investigate, and solve problems.
3. To improve the performance of all students, including those from vulnerable groups and students with disabilities, contributing to the reduction of school dropout.
4. To sustain professional development by strengthening professionals’ attitudes, skills, and abilities.
5. To enable all school-level stakeholders to take individual and collective responsibility for all learners.
6. To consider the support and resources that organizations and communities can develop and provide for inclusive education.
7. To define strategies to involve parents in education.
The objectives of the project contribute to tackle these needs:
Introduce non-formal educational tools aiming at building stronger bonds between children with and without special educational needs.
Use the school garden as a place to observe, compare, experience, and record all activities that promote the learning of science and mathematics, using drawing as a learning tool and process.
Turning nature into our “home and teacher”, a place to observe, compare, experience and care – promoting the learning of STEM subjects through art, the scientific method, and problem-solving.
Organize local fairs with agro products, where children can sell their products, helped by their parents and teachers – fostering the involvement of the community in the education of children.
The project outcomes
A child-to-child peer support model
A Business Marketing Guide for Children
A guide for using mathematical concepts in the school yard
A guide to develop science concepts on school yard
You can find more details on the project website: https://www.yard4all-project.org/
Project Partners:
1. Agrupamento Escolas D. Carlos I (Project coordinator), Portugal
2. Agrupamento de Escolas de Alfornelos, Portugal
3. Aproximar Cooperativa Desolidariedade Social, CRL, Portugal
4. Asociația European Association for Social Innovation (EaSI), Romania
5. AFEJI – France
6. Formacion Para El Desarollo e Insercion, Sociedad Limitada – DEFOIN, Spain
7. Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal
8. Hand in Hand Foundation, Hungary
9. Norges Teknisknaturvitenskapelige Universitet NTNU, Norway
10. Școala Gimnazială Nr. 28 Bucharest, Romania
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Scoalanr28/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/yard4all/