Inclusion in Society by the Arts Project
Inclusion in Society by the Arts (2017-1-FR01-KA204-037252)
The project "Field Aperture: Inclusion in Society by the Arts" (ISA) intends to act on professional practices, communication by the arts and culture as well as the way to deliver training and school contents to young people and adults. In other words, we are determined:
- to change the perception of society regarding people with disabilities
- to impact the education and training systems on the perception of people with disabilities
- to encourage the empowerment of people with disabilities
- to promote the UNCRPD.
There are six organisations involved in the project from five countries: L’Adapt (FR), EASPD (BE), Cope Foundation (IE), Horizon 2000 (BE), NASO (BG) and Hand in Hand Foundation (HU). Apart from them stakeholders, service providers and schools might get involved in the implementation of ISA project.