About us
The Hand in Hand Foundation has been working since 1993 for a tolerant society in which the individuals with disabilities can live with dignity. Our primary task is to promote the cause of the people with disability, especially the ones who lives with learning disability and the most disadvantaged backgrounds as well as the ones lives with multiple disabilities. We contact with the disabled people via their environments, directly and indirectly, in all phases of their lives involving family, experts and welfare organizations or by addressing the society as a whole.
Our main principles
• reforming, continually improving, conscious and planned system
• professional credibility and maintainable quality
• system-based and multipliable solutions
• accountability and transparency
In our eyes, the evolution of people with learning disabilities’s life quality reflects the Hungarian society’s maturity. As longs as society cannot accept and appreciate the fact that it can only become an integral whole by respecting individual differences, we fail to fulfil our dream and there is a lot to be done.
The staff
Since the term “Hand in Hand” can be interpreted in a complex way, our tasks are also complex. Despite being small, our team quickly reacts to challenges. In this field we are pioneers, who consider social, professional and institutional structures changeable and think that they should be changed.
Ákos Pordán, managing director
Dr. Adrienn Gazsi, legal aid service
Mónika Tóth, on maternity leave
Sarolta Zalán, international project leader
Annamária Kovács, project manager at international projects
Bianka Kéri, project coordinator and special needs educator
Gabriella Sebestyén, training organization
Ibolya Szász, secretariat
Irén Kis, finances and accounting
Lehel K. Papp, project coordinator and IT support
Miklós Fehér, labour market service manager
The concerned ones
Individual assistance
Our funds are aimed at supporting families which bring up children with disability or take care of disabled adults with highly disadvantaged backgrounds. In case of heavy dependence, the evaluation of support is subject to approval by our board of trustees.
FECSKE (Temporary Escorting and Caring for Families Looking after Disabled People) is a kind of stop-gap service that primarily supports the lives of the families concerned and their social integration. It gives appropriate - flexible and personalized - answers to real needs that significantly influence the lives of families bringing up children with disability and adults and facilitate their employment. At the same time, it helps family members who occasionally long for some relaxation and charging.
Vision: FECSKE Network’s purpose is to create a world where families are given the chance to integrate the person with disability as smoothly as possible.
Mission: In a flexible and reliable way, FECSKE Network provides families looking after people with disability with equal opportunities by sponsoring home care and escorting throughout Hungary.
Alternative Labour Market Service
We have started our Alternative Labour Market Service in order to help people of modified working abilities to find jobs. With the help of our service, we attempt to facilitate the connection between the employers in open labour market and the unemployed disabled people.
Providing Information
Our informational centre stores data for families taking care of both disabled children and adults and for experts.
Our goal is twofold in the sense that the two units of the informational centre contain the data related to social services and institutions available to the people with disability. Furthermore, the purpose of our informational service is to answer the following questions by the concerned families, experts and organizations:
• services available and the access to them
• medical care available
• related legislation.
If you are interested and need detailed data and further information, you can have access to them by clicking on the following website http://info.kezenfogva.hu (It is available only in Hungarian.)
Methodological centre
As a member of the social methodological consortium of the Northern Great Plains since 1 July, 2008 (main centre: Victoria Nursing-Home Care at Hodász), and the Mid-Hungarian regional social consortium (main centre: Maltese Charity Service), the Hand in Hand Foundation is authorized to act as a social methodological institution. In this sense, the foundation provides both methodological assistance and services concerned with the disabled people to the relevant social organizations and institutions operating in the two regions.
Within the framework of all these activities, it offers among others legal assistance, information, professional guidance and improvement. What is more, it arranges for training facilities and comments on legislative changes and, if necessary, initiates and carries out service development activities. The methodological work in the two regions is done incorporation with local and national organizations, institutions and experts.
Hand in Hand for promoting the interests of the individuals with disability
Do not give in!
The Foundation is providing the so-called “Do not give in” anti-discriminative legal aid service this year as well. We welcome anyone with mental or multiple disabilities including their relatives (since relatives can also be victims of discrimination). We also welcome any pressure groups and social organizations as well as any individuals who, as a result of their disabilities suffer disadvantages in terms of housing, employment, training, education, medical and social affairs. The service is free of charge.
Accept it, accept me
Accept it, accept me
This project encourages the emancipation and integration of people with learning disability. The project has been on for seventeen years. It offers a unique training program for kindergarten teacher, when they can learn more about the reality of persons of disability. The program has a form of a road-show with a truck moving around the country with games related to sensitization. We are also organizing awareness raising days to raise the attention to the situation of people with disability. You can find further details regarding our actual events and locations on our website. Come and support us by your participation.
Online donation
If you would like to support the realization of our mission and do something useful for a tolerant society, please support our work with donations. As we work for the sake of integrated society and the acceptance and emancipation of the people with disability, we are grateful for any form of support.
Safeguarding Policy
In the past 25 years a lot of our programs and trainings focused on preventing and handling the abuse of people with disabilities. We think it is also important to have a regulation within our organisation related to that, so we have created and implemented our Safeguarding Policy that is available to everyone by clicking on the link below: www.kezenfogva.hu/aldozatvedelmi-protokoll